دوستان امروز یک extension خیلی مفید در زمینه طراحی با فلش براتون معرفی می کنم که برای طراحان خیلی مهم و مفیده وقتی شما می خواهید یک انیمشین فرم به فرم ایجاد کنید زدن پشت سر اف 6 کار حوصله بر و اذیت کننده ایی محسوب میشه که بوسیله این extension که تقریبا حکم پلاگین رو برای فلش بازی می کنه شما به راحتی می تونید تیک auto keframe رو زده و به محض ایجاد تغییر در کارتون اون خودش فرم جدید ایجاد می کنه و این تنها یکی از امکانات این extension است خودتون مطالعه کنید در ادامه مطلب هم extension دیگه برای کارها دیگه گذاشتم که فلش کار ها می دونند چقدر با ارزش است.
I’ve just completed updates to the Queasy Tools Flash extension.
New Features in 1.5.0
- Strong easing! Motion easing options now include in/out/inOut for Regular, Strong, and Bounce.
- Scale up and down buttons (hold SHIFT key to constrain to 100% increments, scale down with SHIFT bottoms out at 100%, so the scale can be reset).
Bug Fixes
Download (Flash CS3)
Queasy Tools v1.5.0
Thanks to Chris L for his suggestions and for finding the text bug.
Full feature list below the fold.
(moving top to bottom, left to right on the user interface)
** = new to version 1.5.0
Tween type: Motion or Shape
Ease: Regular, Strong**, Bounce of the EaseIn, EaseOut, and EaseInOut varieties
Auto add keyframes: if checked, this with create keyframes at the beginning and end of your frame selection
Make Tween: applies the tween to the selected frames (multiple layers allowed)
In an attempt to clean out my “commands” menu, I’ve collected several actions into a set of macro buttons. Some of these add functionality to Flash (like changing the text case), and others are just quicker than hunting through the menus (like flip horizontal & vertical).
Duplicate Layer: creates a copy of the selected layer
Guide, Hide, and Lock: Out of sight, out of SWF, but still in the FLA in case you need it later
Turn On Bitmap Smoothing: this applies “allowing bitmap smoothing” to all of the selected images in the library
Swap Symbol: this swaps selected symbol(s) on the stage with an item selected in the library
(these align the selected element(s) to the stage without changing the “to stage” toggle in the align panel)
Tint to White: Sets tint of selected symbol(s) to white.
Alpha to 50: Sets alpha of selected symbol(s) to 50%.
Alpha to 0: Sets alpha of selected symbol(s) to 0%.
Reset: Removes all color settings on selected symbol(s).
(** Bugs that occurred when multiple text fields were selected have been fixed in this release.)
To Uppercase: Converts selected textfields or selected text to uppercase.
To Lowercase: Converts selected textfields or selected text to lowercase.
To Title Case: Converts first letter of each word to uppercase and remaining letters to lowercase (ignores words with 3 letters or less after the first work, e.g. “of” and the second “the” in “The Title of the Song”);
Scale up**: Increases element scale by 10%. Hold SHIFT to lock to 100% increments.
Scale down**: Decrease element scale by 10%. Hold SHIFT to lock to 100% increments (bottoms out at 100% when SHIFT is down, so it can be used reset the scale).
Send to Front: Sends selected element(s) to the front of the stack within the layer
Send to Back: Sends selected element(s) to the back of the stack within the layer
Send Forward: Sends selected element(s) one step towards the back of the stack within the layer
Send Backward: Sends selected element(s) one step towards the front of the stack within the layer
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