- Position a 360° panoramic image,
- Make an animation inside a movie clip,
- Create a message for your banner and animate it,
- Set up an invisible button and make it clickable, and more.
امروز دیگه عکس های ۳۶۰ درجه ایی و به قولی پانارومیک کاربرد زیادی پیدا کرده حالا اگه ما هم بخواهیم یک چنین چیزی را برای مثلا یک محیط یا یک شی دلخواه پیاده سازی کنیم باید چه کار هایی انجام بدهیم و یا وسایل مورد نیاز چیه من یک راه سادشو براتون می گم
۱. اول چیزی که واضحه اینه که شما باید از شی در تمام زاویه ها عکس تهیه کنید.
۲.اول اون شی رو یک مکان متحرک قرار بدهید یا اینکه در برابر یک پس زمینه با رنگ خاص مثل آبی قرار بدهید.
۳.دوربین خودتون را روی پایه ثابت قرار دهید و مطمئن شوید که دوربین در تمام مدت عکس برداری حرکتی نکنه.
۴.شما به حداقل ۱۲ عکس برای هر ۳۰ درجه دارید.
۵.اولین عکس را بگیرید و شی رو به اندازه ۳۰ درجه بچرخانیدو همینطور این کار را ادامه دهید تا ۱۲ عکس تکمیل شود.
۶.اگر دوست دارید نتیجه بهتری بگیرید باید عکس بیشتر با زاویه کمتر بگیرید برای مثال ۲۴ عکس از هر ۱۵ درجه.
۷.حالا شما ۱۲ عکس با فرمت jpg دارید حالا اگر اندازه عکس ها متفاوت هستند همه آنها را بر مبنای یکی از آنها تغییر اندازه دهید. اگر شما از اسلاید شو نرم افزار دوربین استفاده کنید روی اون افکت مشاهده 360 درجه را اعمال کنید.
8. حالا شما به یک نرم افزار تحت فلش احتیاج دارید که این عکس ها را به صورت 360 درجه به نمایش بزاره و با ماوس هم حساس باشه.
9. شما می تونید از کمپوننت زیر برای این کار استفاده کنیدکه کار را برای شما راحت می کنه:
نمونه هایی از این کار را هم می تونید در زیر مشاهده کنید:
One of the major issues 360 degree panoramic photography is how to display your panorama on the web. Simple pictures don't convey the scale or interactivity of immersive 360 degree views, so additional software is required to view them in 3D. The most common tools to do this have been Apple's QuickTime, Java, and Adobe Shockwave. Most bought computers from say Dell, SONY or HP have the first two installed already, Adobe Shockwave is not commonly found pre-installed. All three, if they need to be installed, require users to have full administrator rights on the computer to allow installation, this is fine for home users but not business users. So as a result often visitors have problems viewing the 360 degree 3D panoramas. The quoted installation base of these three add on are commonly 60%, 88% and 50% respectively, however, often this doesn't take into account issues with out of date version of these tools. Another problem was each of these tools required the visitor to stop viewing your website, download sometimes large packages, run the installer, sometimes restart computer and even close the browser down. Hoping your visitors would return, is a faint hope to say the least.
The holy grail of interactive panorama display has been if it was possible to display them using Adobe Flash. Until now this has been tried many times, but with very poor performance and lots of bad distortion, this was not fault of the developers but was because Adobe (Macromedia) Flash was designed as a 2D vector line drawing tool not as a 3D bitmap render engine.
Recent releases of Adobe Flash versions 8 and 9 have now made it possible to provide 3D bitmap projections. The installed user base Adobe Flash v 8 is in excess of 96% and it is a simple upgrade to get to v9.
Two major software tools have released to enable Flash panorama technology: Pano2QTVR (http://www.pano2qtvr.com/) and ImmerVision (http://www.immervision.com).
I have been using both these tools and they show great potential. The Immervison tool is free, as long as your can create .ivp files - either using their own authoring package or RealViz Stitcher - which has .ivp export.
Here is an example Immervision Flash panorama. The link will open in a new window, this is resizable and they show that is possible to get rather good full-screen panoramas, I need to work on the quality settings but this is a huge step forward. Oh this does require Adobe Flash v9 to work.
The future is FLASH.
here is the exact detail to get it done:
make it clear, You need to shoot photographs of the product from all angles.
place your product on a rotating stand or holder against a solid background.
fix your camera on stand, adjust lights etc.
make sure camera must not move an inch during whole shoot of a product.
you need atleast 12 photos, one for every 30 degree angle
shoot first photo and rotate the product by 30 degree, shot next photo and rotate the product again by 30%
keep repeating until all 12 angles gets shot.
you can have better result by shooting more pictures, for example, 24 pictures for each product, a photo for each 15% angle.
Now you have photos in jpg formats, resize all as per the desired size.. all images should be of same size.
if you see these images in a slide show view, you will get an effect of 360 view.
Now you only need a Flash application which can load these pictures and display it as 360 degree view with some mouse interactivity
you may use this component, which will make your life easy
here are few examples of this component:
I will show you in this lesson how to create a 360-degree pan banner. It is very easy to make - basically, this is an animation tutorial.
You will learn how to:
Below is the example of the ad banner you are going to make.
1 Start Flash. Select File > New. Go to the Templates tab and select Advertising > 180×150 (Rectangle). This will open a new template for a 180 by 150 pixels banner ad.
2 Press Ctrl+J or select Modify > Document to open the Document Properties dialog. Enter 21 in the Frame rate field and click OK (see 1 in the figure below). This will be a decent speed for the animation.
Just a small note: if you’re completely new to Flash, fps stands for frames per second, which is how many frames your Flash movie will advance in the time space of 1 second.
3 If you are working in Flash MX, you can skip this part and just proceed to step 4. If you are working in Flash MX 2004 or Flash 8, read this step.
Select File > Publish Settings. Click the Flash tab. In the Version menu, select Flash Player 6 (see 1). In the ActionScript version menu, select ActionScript 1.0 (see 2). Click OK.
What you just did will make your banner backwards-compatible so that it can be seen by people who have still Flash Player 6 installed on their machines. This is important, especially when you’re making banners for sites that get a lot of visitors and will require of you to make the banner for the widest possible audience. Also, since there are just a few lines of simple ActionScript that are going to be added later, there is no need to publish this movie for the latest version of Flash Player (although it wouldn’t be a mistake at all if you did this).
4 Call the first layer pan. When you choose a banner template in Flash, the first layer is by default called content. That’s not bad, but it is definitely better to give it a name in accordance with what you’re going to put inside it.
You will now have to find a panoramic image that can be spinned around for 360 degrees all the while looking like one long continuous shot that goes on without interruption. What? You don’t have one of those at hand? No sweat, just download mine
Unzip the downloaded file and put the picture somewhere where you’ll easily find it.
5 Select File > Import > Import to Stage. Find the picture (oceancliffs.jpg), select it and click Open. The image has now appeared on your document’s stage.
6 Open the Align panel (Window > Align). With the picture still selected on stage (if it isn’t, just click on it to select it), do the following:
The picture will now perfectly be aligned with the stage’s top and left edge. If you take a look at the bottom left part of the Properties panel, you’ll notice that the X and Y coordinates for the picture equal zero.
It is important that the coordinates are set to round numbers (like here, 0.0 and not 0.5 for example). In this way, you are sure that the image will be displayed sharply in your final SWF file. Always strive for round coordinates when images are involved, whether they are used in Flash banners, sites or other kinds of SWF movies. If an image isn’t positioned on round coordinates, it might get displayed blurry.
Also, you might have noticed that the image’s height (150 pixels) equals the document’s height. I made this on purpose - why make a bigger image if all of it won’t be visible in the end? Also, you save on file size. Even if it’s just a small difference, like 1 or 2 KB, why not make it? Especially when it’s about ad banners that you’re dealing with, which have frequently maximum file sizes defined by the web site owners that are putting the ads on their pages.
7 Make sure that the image is selected - if it is, a grey border can be seen around it.
8 Press Ctrl+C to copy the image. Press Ctrl+Shift+V to paste it in place. You have just made a copy of the image, which is by pasting in place positioned exactly on the same coordinates as the original one, only sitting on top of it.
9 So now don’t click anywhere, just hold Shift and press the right arrow key on your keyboard to move the copy of the image to the right. Move it until it gets far enough so that there’s a little space between it and the original.
10 Now press the left arrow key until the two images are seamlessly joined together. Click on an empty place on stage to get rid of the grey border around the image and better see how do they look joined together. Then click again and move it until it looks right.
Let me share a few thoughts about 360°panoramic images with you here. As you can see, the image you’re working on in this tutorial isn’t a perfect example of this kind of image. I made it from some pictures I snapped some time ago. To have a perfect, seamless panoramic image you should have a tripod to prevent your camera from moving vertically and also pay attention to changes in light as you turn around, and make the appropriate changes in Photoshop later.
But, even if you haven’t got the most perfect panoramic 360 degree photo, in an ad like this it won’t be noticed by the visitor to the site where the banner is being displayed on. Especially when the message comes jumping in and maybe some additional animations are added. The point is that this kind of banner looks attractive and nice to the eye.
You can also use this technique to show rooms and other kinds of spaces for sites that want to display the services they offer: hotels, restaurants and the like, or even museums and cityscapes. It requires a lot of patience to get your 360°VR photos right. Sometimes you might be lucky so that your client will provide you with finished images, or you can always hire a photographer who will do it for you.
To see a great application of this neat technique, visit the Sydney Opera House virtual tour.
11 Click on the first image, then hold Shift and click on the second one. Both should be selected.
12 Hit F8 or select Modify > Convert to Symbol. In the Convert to Symbol dialog that appears, select Movie clip as type, name it panorama and click OK.
13 Go to the frame 140 of the current (and the only one so far) layer. Right-click on it and select Insert Keyframe.
14 Right-click on the grey area that appeared between the two keyframes and select Create Motion Tween.
A continuous arrow on a magenta background will appear, indicating that you have just made a proper motion tween.
You will now create the continuous animation of the panorama. This will necessitate some precision adjustement and trial-and-error work. So let me show you how!
15 Click on frame 140 to select it, than click on the panorama movie clip on the stage. This is important, because if you had clicked on the movie clip on stage while the playhead in the timeline was in the magenta area, you would have selected the movie clip on the frame 1, instead of 140.
16 Move the movie clip to the left by holding down Shift and pressing the left arrow key. Move it until the point where the two images are joined together inside the movie clip is aligned with the left edge of the scene.
How to know when to stop? Well, just move your movie clip up a little bit, until the white scene background appears. Then check if the point in question is really aligned with the left edge of the scene.
When you think you got it right, just move the movie clip back down.
17 Test your movie by pressing Ctrl+Enter.
Watch carefully. After the quad has appeared on the screen for the first time, comes the crucial part. In the example below, if you observe it watchfully, you can see a little “jump” in the animation. In other words, it doesn’t flow seamlessly as it should.
This is because the movie clip isn’t placed properly on the second keyframe (the second keyframe is the one situated in frame 140). You will now see how to fix this.
18 Close the testing window and go back to your document.
19 Click on the movie clip to select it again (on frame 140). Press the right arrow key on your keyboard just once. This will move the movie clip 1 pixel to the right.
20 Test your movie again (Ctrl+Enter). Watch your animation again. Does it “jump” even more then the previous time? If it does, move your movie clip in the opposite direction. Press the left arrow key this time to move it back, then press it again to move it 1 pixel to the left.
Test your movie again to see if the animation is playing as it should be, without any visible errors. If the error gets less visible, then just continue moving your movie clip in the same direction by 1 pixel at a time and testing your movie to check if it is playing properly.
Like I said, it is a trial and error type of work, until it turns out good. And that’s it - the big secret of the 360-degree VR panoramic animations
21 Click on frame 1 to select it.
22 Hold down Shift and click on frame 140. This will select all the frames that make up your animation.
23 Right-click anywhere on the blackened area (i.e., the frames you just selected) and select Cut Frames from the menu that appears.
24 Select Insert > New Symbol. In the window that appears, select Movie clip as type and call it panorama animation. Click OK.
You have just created an empty movie clip, which, although empty and without any contents, exists with all the properties of a movie clip object. The name you gave it appears above the layers to tell you that you are working inside it now and not on the main scene (the main timeline).
25 Right-click on frame 1 and select Paste Frames. The complete animation that you have cut out from the main scene just a moment before has now been pasted inside this new movie clip.
Why was this done? Simply to make your flash web designer’s life easier
Imagine this: you leave the animation on the main timeline. After that, you add the banner message and maybe some other animations. And then after you have finished this nice flash ad, your client isn’t completely satisifed and/or has some additional requirements for it (you wouldn’t believe how many times you will have to change your work to meet these requirements)!
And so, you have to go back, change the animation(s) and move/cut/paste/change all these hundreds of frames, back and forth, until it turns out right. That’s a waste of time and especially if you have to do it more than once, a nerve-wracking thing.
But, when you have each separate animation placed in its own movie clip, life is easy. You can change the animation easily, without having to worry about the other ones. Make this a habit!
26 Click on the Scene 1 link above the layers to return to the main timeline.
27 There is some cleaning up to do now. When you cut frames, blank, empty ones are always left behind. Do the following:
The layer is nicely cleaned up now
28 Click on the first frame to select it.
29 Open the Library (Window > Library). You will see your panorama animation movie clip sitting nicely inside. There is also the panorama movie clip, which holds the two same images, and the panoramic image itself.
30 Click on the panorama animation movie clip and drag it out to the stage. When you’re with your mouse over the stage, just release the mouse button and the movie clip will appear on the scene.
31 Position the movie clip so that it is aligned with the stage’s left and top edges. Do this the same way you did it before: open the Align panel (Window > Align), make sure that the Align to Stage button is turned on (1), then click the button for left edge aligning (2) and top edge aligning (3).
32 Lock the current (pan) layer. You can test your movie now if you want to. The animation will play just the same as it was when it was situated on the main scene. That’s because an animation in Flash loops endlessly, whether it is on the main scene or in a movie clip. Unless you tell it to stop via ActionScript, of course.
33 Create a new layer and call it ad message.
34 Hide the pan layer to see more easily the placement of your text message in relation to the stage.
35 Select the Text tool (T). In the Properties panel, select Static text.
Choose a font you like, make its size 24 and also bold it if you wish. Select a dark color for this text.
36 Click on the stage and write your ad text: “Ocean cliffs quad ride” or anything else that coveys the message of your banner.
Press Esc to exit the text editing mode and position your text field so that it is centered horizontally in relation to the stage. You can do this easily with the arrow keys on your keyboard.
37 With the text field still selected, hit F8 to convert it to a movie clip. Call it message and click OK.
38 Double-click on the newly created movie clip on the stage to enter inside it. Call the first layer text shadow.
39 Click on the text field once to select it. Press Ctrl+C to copy it.
40 Lock this layer. Make a new one and call it text.
41 Select the first frame of the new layer. Press Ctrl+Shift+V to paste the previously copied text field in place here.
42 Press the left arrow key twice and the up arrow key twice to move this text field up and to the left by two pixels.
43 In the Properties panel, change the text field’s color to white. You might have to click on the text field again so that its options would appear in the Properties panel.
There! You just saw a nice and easy way to make cool shadow text!
44 Click on the Scene 1 link to return to the main scene.
45 Click on the message movie clip to select it. Press F8 to turn it into a movie clip, again! Call it message animation and click OK. This is needed because here too, you wil be making an animation inside a movie clip.
46 Double-click the message animation movie clip on the stage to enter inside its timeline.
47 Click on the first frame (it is a keyframe, actually) inside this movie clip and drag it forward until you reach frame 100. Release it there.
You just moved this keyframe to frame 100 and left blank frames behind it. This is done so that the message wouldn’t appear instantly as the banner loads. It will pass about 5 seconds before it shows up. If you like, you can drag it to frame 50 or any other if you think that it’s more appropriate for the message to show up earlier. This is just a question of ad banner design and marketing thinking. You’ll find what works best (what is the most clickable thing) through practice, as with everything else.
48 Click on the message movie clip (which is on the stage, inside the message animation movie clip you’re working inside right now), to select it.
49 Using the combination of Shift and left arrow keys, move the movie clip off the stage, to the left.
50 Right-click on frame 117 and select Insert Keyframe.
51 Hold down Shift and press the right arrow key repeatedly to move the message movie clip to the right, just a little bit off stage.
52 Right-click anywhere on the grey area between the two keyframes and select Create Motion Tween.
53 You will now make two more motion tweens. Insert a keyframe in frame 127 and make a motion tween animation.
54 On frame 127, select the movie clip and move it back to the left, this time placing it in such a way so that just a small part of it finds itself off-stage.
55 Here comes the last segment of the ad message appearing animation: Insert a keyframe at frame 133 and make a motion tween, then position the message movie clip so that it is centered horizontally in relation to the banner’s width.
If it is difficult for you to see where the horizontal center lies, go back to the main scene, hide the pan layer and come back inside the message animation movie clip. Then you’ll see the banner’s white background only and will be able to work more easily.
Ok, fiiine! As a final added touch, once the message has arrived and settled itself on the screen, you will make it blink a few times so that it is more spottable by the viewers. And this is really easy to do.
56 Right-click in the frame just after the last keyframe (frame 134) in your animation and select Insert Frame. This will make the last keyframe last just a fraction longer.
Keyframes are used when a change in animation is needed. Frames are there to prolong the duration of a particular keyframe, when there are no changes that are bound to happen, but when you just wish for a particular scene in your Flash animation to last longer.
57 Right-click on the next frame (frame 135) and select Insert Blank Keyframe. This is needed if you want to achieve a blinking message effect. Since a blank keyframe doesn’t contain any content whatsoever within itself, this will make the message disappear for a moment.
58 You need to prolong the duration of this blank keyframe too, so that this small time interval matches the one preceding it, where the message is. Right-click on the next frame (frame 136) and select Insert Frame.
59 To have a good blinking message effect, you will need to copy and paste these four frames a couple of times. Click on the last keyframe in the message motion tween animation (it is the one with the black dot), hold Shift and click on the last frame (the one with the small rectangle). Here, the image explains it clearly:
60 Right-click anywhere on the selected frames (the black area on the layer) and select Copy Frames. Then, just right-click on the first empty frame (frame 137) and choose Paste Frames.
61 Repeat this one more time: right-click on the first empty frame (frame 141) and select Paste Frames.
You have just made the blinking message effect. It was easy, wasn’t it? There is the message, there isn’t, and so on for a few times. But, the visitor to the site where the banner will be displayed must be able to actually read the message, whether it says “dream vacation”, “best offer”, “click here” or anything else.
In order to achieve that, you must make the message appear for one last time and then make it last longer.
62 Right-click on frame 133 and select Copy Frames. You can also copy any keyframe that contains your banner message (these are the ones with the black dot inside them).
63 Right-click on frame 145 and select Paste Frames.
64 Go over to frame 215, right click on it and select Insert Frame.
There! The ad message animation is complete! Go back to the main scene by clicking the Scene 1 link above the layers. Test your movie and see how the animation plays out.
Of course, you may choose to make the message appear just out of nowhere, have it sit there for a while and then just disappear. The ad message animation in this example lasts for 215 frames, while the panoramic image animation lasts for 140 frames. You can play around with the duration of these animations to see what works best for you, depending at what time intervals you want your ad message to appear.
Let me show you now how to make the banner clickable.
You are now going to create an invisible button for your banner. The whole banner area must be clickable and so a visible button is out of question, as it would cover the banner contents.
65 Lock the ad message layer. Make a new layer above it and call it button.
66 Select the Rectangle tool (R). Choose any fill color you like, and also any outline color you like. As the button is going to be invisible, this doesn’t matter at all.
Draw a rectangle of any size on the stage.
67 Double-click on the rectangle with the Selection tool (V) to select both the fill and the outline. Open up the Align panel (Window > Align).
Make sure that the To stage button is turned on, then click the third button from the left in the last row to make the rectangle’s dimensions equal those of the stage (see 1 on the image below). Then align it horizontally in relation to the stage (2), and also vertically (3).
68 Press F8 to convert this rectangle to a symbol. This time, select button as type instead of movie clip, call it the button and click OK.
69 Go to the Properties panel and find the Color menu on its right side. Select Alpha from the menu and set it to zero. The alpha property of a symbol defines its degree of transparency. When you set it to zero, it becomes completely invisible.
Still in the same panel, go to the left and find the Instance name field. Type adButton inside it and hit Enter to confirm it.
The Instance name serves to issue commands to the button via ActionScript. You can do without it and place the actions on the button directly, but it is a much, much better practice to assign Instance names and use them to program your buttons.
70 Lock the button layer. Make a new layer above it and call it actions.
71 Click on the action layer’s first frame to select it. Press F9 or select Window > Actions to open the Actions panel.
72 Enter the following ActionScript code inside the Actions panel:
adButton.onRelease = function() {
getURL("http://www.msn.com", "_blank");
Let me explain you now what goes on here. It is really simple. The first line,
adButton.onRelease = function() {
assigns a function to the onRelease
event handler of the adButton button. And just what all of this means?
An event handler tells Flash what to do when a specific event has happened. In this case, the onRelease
event handler handles what is going to happen when a user has clicked and released his/her mouse button over the button area. This means if a user presses (clicks) the mouse button and then drags the mouse out of the button area (which is the whole area of your banner in this example) and releases it outside, nothing will happen.
If you want to, you can write onPress
instead onRelease
and this particular handler executes actions as soon as the mouse button is clicked over the button, without the user releasing it. To see a detailed description of more button symbol events, check out my tutorial on Flash ad banners basics.
So, when this button is clicked, the function assigned to this event will get executed. This means that every action within the function’s curly braces, {
and }
, will get excuted.
And what’s inside is a simple getURL
getURL("http://www.msn.com", "_blank");
The first parameter inside the parentheses is the URL of the website the banner is pointing to, and it has to be written inside quotation marks, and with the http://
prefix before the actual website address. I have put here the MSN’s address for the purpose of this example. Of course, you will have to replace that with the address of the website that paid you to do the banner.
The second one is the window or frame into which you want the website to open. _blank
stands for a new browser window. On most portals and similar sites with high traffic, this is the option used and the one that will be required for you to put inside the banner. If you write _self
as the option, the link will open in the same window.
If you want your 360-degree landscape to play out smoothly, you should try different movie speeds (frame rates, defined at the start of this tutorial) in combination with different motion tween animation periods. Kep in mind that an image, especially as wide as this one, might always display some small non-smooth movements. A good result can be obtained by making the image move via ActionScript, and also giving the user control over the direction of the movement, but I’ll leave this for another tutorial.
That wraps it up for this lesson! To learn more, go to my Flash banners tutorials section and check out the other ones. And as always, have fun while learning and creating in Flash :)! Below you can download the source file for this lesson, in Flash 8 and Flash MX formats.
Download the Flash 8 zipped source FLA file for this lesson.
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کاربران عزیز راه هایی که می شود از اینترنت کسب در آمد کرد از میلیاردها راه و روش پا فراتر گذاشته است. پس هروقت یاد تجارت الکترونیک می افتید، هیچوقت یاد از چهار پنج برنامه ی متقلب یا حالا غیر متقلب نکنید. چون تنوعکاری خیلی وسیع تر و بزرگتر از این صحبت ها است. پس اگر احیانآ دیروز ضرر کردید ربطی به امروزتان ندارد ومسلمآاگر امروز سود کردید هم ربطی به فردایتان.برای شروع اولین سوالی که در ذهن شما تداعی می شود، این است که چگونه می توان از اینترنت کسب در آمدکرد؟! در جواب باید گفت، شما نیازبه پرداخت یک پنج ریالی هم ندارید و بدون سرمایه وارد شده اید. بعد از آموزش بدون نیاز به یک ریال سرمایه ماهی تا هشتاد هزار تومان تا هشتاد میلیون تومان کسب خواهیدکرد.فقط تنها سرمایه ی شما، هزینه ی اتصال به اینترنت و هزینه ی وقتی که گذاشته اید می باشد.(یعنی میتوان گفت درصد ضرر شما صفر است) خوب دیگر از این بهتر چه می خواهید.کاربران محترم شما بعد از شروع، توسط این وبلاگ در اینترنت شاغل شده و کسب درآمد خواهید کرد.....
وب جالبی داری.
برای تبادل لینک با وبسایت رهاآنلاین کلیک کن
[گل] RahaOnline Graphic Center [گل]
سلام . وبه جالبی داری .چرا نمی خوای مثله وبلاگهای دیگه از وبلاگت بهره برداری کنی مگه وبه تو از وبلاگی های دیگه چی کم داره از خیلی هاشون هم خیلی بهتره اگه می خوای با راحتترین راه پولدار بشی و بصورت ماهیانه کسب درآمد کنی مراحل زیر را انجام بده ..:::
بیا وبه من، در همون اول صفحه نوشته( اوکسین ادز معتبرترین و بزرگترین سیستم کسب درآمد وبمسترها )
رو اون کلیک کن و برو تو اون
و عضو شو(اگر شماره حساب نداشتی می تونی جاش سیزده تا 1 بزاری تا وقتی که حساب باز کردی بری تو قسمت ویرایش مشخصات و اونو تغییر بدی ) سپس نام کاربری و پسورد را بده و وارد شو و بعدش در یک محیط کاملا
فارسی می تونی براحتی هر کدی رو که خواستی انتخاب کنی و copy کنی و سپس
در قسمت ویرایش قالب وبلاگت در انتهای آن یا هر جا که خواستی راست کلیک کرده
و paste کنی بعد از اون با هر کلیکی روی بنرهای تبلیغاتی تو میشه 700 ریال بهت
تعلق می یابد .
به همین راحتی !!!اینومی تونم بگم اگه واقعا می خوای پولدار بشی الان وقتشه !!!
من خودم هم در حال حاضر در حال همکاری با همین شرکت می باشم%
*شانس یه بار در خونه آدمو میزنه*
مرسی – به امید دیدار!
فلش از علاقه مندی های خاص من هست..چند سالی هست دارم کار میکنم اما هنوز حرفه ای نشدم..بشدت نیاز به به روز شدن دارم..مدتیه کارنکردم چون پروژه ای نداشتم..میتونم رو کمکت حساب کنم؟
دوست من راحتترین راه برای شما اینه که برید تو فروم های برنامه نویسی در خواست پروژه کنید حتما گیرتون می آد
با تشکر